About Pack 220
Pack 220 is a very active pack. We maintain a year-round program and active extra-curricular schedule including family camping, community service, Pinewood Derby, summer camp, and an annual welcome carnival among many other activities.
During the school year, dens meet on the first and third Monday and the Pack meets on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 pm at Lee's Summit Christian Church, 800 NE Tudor Road, Lee's Summit, MO the site. Visitors and potential new members are always welcome.

Want to become a part
of this Cub Pack?
Adventure Awaits!
At its core, Cub Scouting is about friendship, adventure, and fun – all under the guidance of caring adults who are committed to helping children become the best they can be. It’s a great way to inspire kids to do their best while having a great time. Whether it’s learning new skills, building relationships, or taking on challenges – Cub Scouting is an opportunity for kids to be their best and gain the most from life.

So many reasons to become a part of the Cub Scout Pack!

Cub Scouting is a great way for kids to have fun, learn new skills, and build friendships. It’s an activity-filled program that encourages children to explore their interests, develop leadership abilities, serve their communities, and grow into responsible citizens. Through a variety of activities such as camping trips and community service projects, Cub Scouts gain valuable life skills, from problem-solving and team building to outdoor survival knowledge.
With its emphasis on outdoor adventure, Cub Scouting is a great way for kids to learn about the world around them while having fun. In addition, kids get to make new friendships with other Scouts and develop important social skills. With all these exciting activities and benefits, Cub Scouting is an excellent choice for boys and girls to explore, learn, and grow.
Pack Leaders Are Always Welcome!
Cub Scout leaders are essential to the success of the program, providing guidance and support to help kids explore their interests and reach their full potential. They act as mentors, teaching kids important life skills such as problem-solving and teamwork. These leaders also foster relationships between the Scouts, helping them build friendships that can last a lifetime. In addition, Cub Scout leaders encourage kids to take on new challenges, instilling in them a sense of confidence and self-reliance.
No one needs any special qualifications or experience to be a leader – just a desire to help kids grow and learn. These leaders are crucial for setting a positive example for the Scouts and encouraging them to strive for their best. Ultimately, it is through the dedication of Cub Scout leaders that children are able to gain meaningful experiences that will shape their lives for years to come.